Senin, 20 Juni 2016

News Article

Knowing Our Dean and Faculty more
Faculty of Humanities is the one of new faculty in Jenderal Soedirman University. Mr. Bambang Lelono as the Dean explained that there are many things that become an attention such as the officers until the facilities in every room. “However, there are some advantages come to us after become Faculty of Humanities” said Mr. Bambang. The advantages as Mr. Bambang said are for the Dean itself, for the officers, and for the collegian students. For the Dean, it become easier when the Dean and officers have a program for the faculty, they should not ask permission to the higher official. The advantage for the officers is they can work with comfortable, and for the collegian student is they feel more comfortable and happy because they have own faculty.
According to Mr. Bambang, it is not easy to organize the faculty especially the officers, it need step by step to build a great faculty. The officers should work together each other to make their work balance and to develop the faculty. Mr. Bambang also said that the working quality of his officer still not maximal, because there are some officers who just sitting and playing with their Smartphone while in work time. There is also other obstacle when Mr. Bambang organizes the faculty; it is a group of collegian students who have protest about the bill. “The collegian students who have protest about the bill do not discuss it with me; they not ask why the bill is increased. If they ask to me about the bill, I will explain the reason to them.” Mr. Bambang perceived. Mr. Bambang also said that the policy of the bill is come from the government; it is not the self business.
Mr. Bambang Lelono is very busy after he becomes a Dean. Moreover, there is a family which should he pay attention to. He can share the time between his working as the dean and the family. “I feel very grateful because my children have become adult, so I just waiting them to visit me, because they were in Bogor and Jakarta. For my wife, she also work with me in here, she is the head of Indonesian literature department so we can have quality time everywhere although in campus. I am so happy because my family always supports me in every time.” Mr. Bambang said.